Because of you Frankie:
I met my ex-husband Clive, no it didn't work out, no he didn't turn out to be my soul mate LOL I am still looking.
It was: "'the wolf of wall street days'' the 80s in London, crazy, excessive, and flamboyant times we shared.
That's when you introduced me to '"Colostomy a personal view!!" The Pogues, Cockney rhyming slang, Japanese restaurants, the Four Seasons Hotel, lobster, and 1912 Brandy dinners, all paid by the brokerage for entertaining Clive. Helen was my best friend and Clive was one of yours. You soon became family and formed a close bond with my sister Alexandra. You were there at the point of her death and both you and Helen were the last people to see her leave this earth. We lost contact as so many of us do when life becomes complicated and we pass the fun times of young adulthood when we felt invincible but were merely playing a being grown up.
I treasure your life, without meeting you I wouldn't have had my children Edward or Saskia and now my grandson Eik.
My eldest Chloe was already there and she remembers you, as you were always fun and you taught her to sing the Pogues: "I met my love by the gasworks wall": and by a twist of fate she actually got to sing that to them in person on a plane to Edinborough to see U2. The Pogues were very impressed and entertained her the whole plane ride. (because of you)
I'm sorry I don't seem to have photos, back in those days we were too busy living!
Goodbye Frankie, you were loved and will be remembered. When I think of you, I smile as you made me laugh so much and your heart was gold! I know that because Alexandra's heart was gold and she loved you too!
Frankie! Say Hi to Sandra for me x she will be there for you now.
My deepest sympathy to Charlie and the family xxx
Goodbye Frankie
"'I did it my way"' Frank Sinatra aka Clarkson
Music video by Frank Sinatra performing My Way (Live At The Royal Festival Hall, London / 1970). Celebrating the 50th anniversary of one of the most iconic recordings of all time!​
love and light Natasha Pascall